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Trevor Mertes Horsemanship Clinic - September 5-8, in Oliver BC.

Leann Manuel

Updated: Jul 19, 2024

This clinic offers two distinct formats!

Cowboy Challenge 2 day format complete with obstacles - $310


Progressive 4 day Colt Starting Class - $590

The colt starting class will run daily at 4pm for 2-3 hours and have up to 5 participants.  Colts should be no younger than 2 years and sound for mounted work.  Colts may be completely unstarted, but must be safely manageable on the ground in a group setting. 

Participants will be expected to handle and mount their own horse if they progress safely during the clinic.  This clinic is about you having support and instruction on how to start your own horse - not bringing your young horse to have a clinician start it for you in just 4 days.  Older and already started horses looking to work through a basic re-start are welcome.

The Cowboy Challenge clinic runs for two days with groups of 4 or 5 riders working for 2.5 hours each.  All clinic participants are encouraged to stay for the duration of the clinic and audit the other groups. 

Riders of all ages and levels are welcome as long as they are able to ride/handle their horses independently.  We will group riders according to their horsemanship experience and skill level.


  • We prefer NO DOGS.  If you are staying overnight with us and must bring your dog it must be leashed or tethered to your trailer  AT ALL TIMES.

  • Manure, hay, garbage, etc must be cleaned up from anywhere on the Ranch property including your pen, around your trailer, parking, and the arena.

  • There will be no concession so please bring your own food and water.

  • No smoking, vapes, or drug use is allowed at any time on the property.

  • Use only hitching rails or your trailer to tie horses.



  • Halter and lead rope - preferably a rope type halter and long lead if possible.

  • Saddle and bridle that fit both horse and rider.

  • Appropriate clothing and footwear for your choice of tack and expected weather.

  • Sunscreen, gloves, and added layers are also recommended.

  • Helmets are MANDATORY for all junior riders and recommended for all.



Day stabling is available with advance notice. Users must clean their own pen and provide their own feed.  Each pen has a water tub you're welcome to use. 

No clean up deposit is required at this time.  Those who do not clean up after themselves will not be invited to return.


No water, sewer, or power hook-ups available. Dry camping only. No off leash pets of any kind allowed.


Auditing is welcome by donation to the Skaha Horsemanship Society.  


To register please submit our onlin registration here:

Please direct all your registration questions to

For more information about Trevor, please visit:



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