It's almost here! And you know what that means right?
The horses might still be super fuzzy and muddy, and there may still be some piles of melting snow around the barnyard, but that doesn't mean we can't get started on our paperwork and scheduling.

While our ongoing programs aren't changing in basic format or cost this year, some of the details around how we schedule them and take care of the administration are getting more specific.
After taking a whole work day (a whole day!) to organize my past client database to make sure I don't leave anyone behind in email land, it became clear to me that my admin department needs to be a bit more regimented so that we can all spend more time horsing around instead of in the office.
With that said, I'm hoping you can all help me out by submitting your forms for the upcoming season as soon as possible. I will need a fresh registration form, and signed waiver for each and every client. Downloadable pdf files for those are easily found at (just click the 'looking for FORMS' button on the home page). In fact the whole website is updated now so check it out if you get chance.
Also, as I build my roster, it's helpful to know what days/times work best for everyone so I'm asking for everyone to get back to me with at least 2-3 scheduling options that land within the following schedule:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 2pm
Saturdays - 1pm - 5pm (Lifers & Interns exclusively in the AM)
Some programs may get rolling in a limited way in the first couple weeks of March. We expect to be fully up and running with all of our offerings by Tuesday March 31st.
I will be opening the roster up to new clients beginning in mid March so please let me know where you would like to book ASAP.
Please note, we have a new program called Barn Kids that is intended to supplement those who are already in one of our lesson programs. The details for that are also on the website.
Cheers everyone, and we hope to see you all soon!