Many of you may not know that rising costs of many commodities has a significant impact on the cost of feed for our horses - even when it is purchased locally. Since summer 2021, the cost of hay and other feeds for our herd have increased by almost 70%. That means a large bale of hay that we paid $190 for this time last year, now costs us over $325. And that doesn't include the increased fuel expense to haul it in from our supplier.

Climate change, supply chain issues, and the interconnectedness of our little barnyard to global economics means we feel the consequences of the many challenges ahead for our global village. For example, when drought conditions create a hay shortage in western Canada, and supply chain issues drive up the cost of grain for beef & dairy farmers, they are forced to charge more for their beautiful horse quality hay in order to fund the feed for their herds. The alternative for our beef producing hay suppliers, is to feed the hay they have to their cattle leaving the horse community with no hay to purchase for our horses at all.
Therefore, Riding 4 Life must also raise the rates for many of our services to ensure our equine crew can continue to be properly fed and cared for. We are also very grateful to our colleagues in the farming industry for working to support the horse community and lessen the stresses of trying to feed our beloved steeds.
Fortunately, Riding 4 Life was able to purchse most of the feed needed for the spring before prices climbed as high as they are now. That means we are able to delay our fee increases until July 1st of this year. While we're hopeful that drought conditions will not persist again this summer, we are anticipating that the costs of hay and other feeds will remain high for quite some time.
Fee increases will be applied to the following services (as of July 1st):
Beginner Riding Lessons
Therapeutic Services including Hippotherapy
All Summer Camps
Lifers Lease to Learn
For details on the new fees listed above, please see our Services & Programs page.
Please note - our Discover Horses program already saw a fee increase for 2022 so will not likely increase again until January 1, 2023.
(Pictured above: Miles likes to do his part to keep our crew fed!)