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Hiya from Jake!

Leann Manuel

Hiya Everybody! Jake here this time.


It's February, and things are warming up. I'm already shedding! It's hard work looking my best while keeping everyone on their toes. I have many long hours consorting with my very close mare-friends, and teaching Java how to really stick-it to the humans. I've also been diligently practicing my singing to anyone who will listen, and perfecting my leaping, running, and rearing, so as to truly impress. I have to make up for my lack of forelock somehow.

I sure am grateful for my traction-cork shoes though, and I can't wait for a fresh trim. I'm excited for the "Big Day" on the 14th when Jack and Shelby come to reset these bad boys. I have to impress DeeDee!


Be sure to snuggle your farriers guys.


Love Jake!


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